Archives January 2015

Scottish Championships – 22nd Feb 2015

ITF Scottish 2015Dear Masters and Instructors,

ITF Scottish Championships 2015

It is with great pleasure that you and your students are invited to the ITF Scottish Championships on Sunday 22nd February 2015, in Glasgow, Scotland.

This competition is open to all ITF Taekwon‐Do students 10th Kup to 6th Degree.

Please take the time to read the following information. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the Tournament & Umpire Committee.

We look forward to seeing you and your students at the competition.


Yours in Taekwon‐Do


Mrs. G. McIlvaney

ITF Scotland Tournament Committee



ITF Scotland Invite 2015

2015 ITFS National Champs – Individual Entry Form

2015 ITFS National Champs – School Entry Form

ITF Scottish 2015 – Poster

Child Protection Course – 18th January

gmac logo_jpegGMAC are hosting a child protection course for all black belts and interested persons.

This will be held at our Livingston Gym on 18th January 2014, from 9am to 12 noon.  The course will be facilitated by ITF Scotland’s child protection officer.
There are a limited number of spaces and will be on a first come first served basis.
Cost is £20 per person, certification will be issued on competition.
NB, Under ITF Scotland guidelines, all black belt plaque holders and instructors must attend these once per year.


Please book via Mrs. McIlvaney

Happy New Year

imageHappy New Year from all at GMAC Martial Arts.  Our classes resume for the year ahead from Monday 5th January with the exception of our Tollcross classes which resume on 13th.

Throughout January we have a special offer of free training for all new students.  Make 2015 your year and reach your goals, whatever they may be.

We look forward to seeing you all at the first classes.