Archives April 2016

Holiday Monday 2nd May

bank_holidayBank Holiday Schedules

The following closures will be in place over the holiday weekend.

Livingston – Closed Monday 2nd May

Wishaw – Closed Monday 2nd May

Uddingston – Open as normal.

Should you wish you can catch up in any of the remaining weekly classes.  Please see our timetables for full class schedules.

Scotland Team Finland Bound

13094369_10154237749801414_5606155805632842506_nThe Scottish National Taekwon-Do Team travel to the 2016 A.E.T.F. European Championships, held in the Finnish city of Tampere on Tuesday 26th April.  As part of the 22 strong team, three members of GMAC will represent their country next week.  Miss Megan Brown (19), Mr. Iain O’Hare (19), and Mr. Jay Jervis (15), will compete against the best athletes in Europe over four days in multiple events;

Miss Brown – Senior Female 1st Degree Patterns, Senior Female -56kg Sparring and Team Power Test.

Mr O’Hare – Senior Male -70kg Sparring, Team Sparring and Team Power Test.

Mr Jervis – Junior Male -68kg Sparring, Junior Male Power Test, Team Pattern, Team Sparring and Team Power.


We wish them and their team mates the best in the endeavours, and look forward to following their progress on our social media page as well as the National Team Page over the next week.  We are sure Mr. McIlvaney, who is also attending as Team Manager and Coach, will keep us all up to date with pictures and posts.

West Lothian Open 2016

West_lothian_open_blankDear Grandmaster, Master’s and Instructor’s,

It is with great pleasure that you and your students are invited to West Lothian Open Championships on Sunday 22nd May, in Armadale, Scotland.

This competition is open to all grades, in the following categories; under 7 years, 8-10 years, 11-13 years, 14-17 years, 18-35 years & 36 years plus.

Please take the time to read the following information. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us at the following address

We look forward to seeing you and your students at the competition.


Yours in Taekwon-Do



West Lothian Open Tournament Committee


WLO2016 Invitation

WLO Individual Entry Form2016

2016 WLO School & Spectator Applications