Black Belt Grading 23rd November 2013

The November Black Belt Grading will be held on Saturday 23rd November.  All those requiring the application forms and full information please e-mail or speak to your instructor.

Please note all candidate’s must have sat a pre-test prior to the grading, and have the authority of their instructor to sit the grading.


Venue:  GMAC Livingston, Craigwillow Centre, Craigshill, Livingston, EH54 5DT


Date & Time:  Saturday 23rd November 2013

  • Theory Test                           10:30am – 11:30am (1 hour to complete)
  • Practical Exam                    12 noon onwards


Dress Code:  All candidates must arrive to the Grading in Official ITF Dress Blue Trouser Suit, Shirt & Tie.

(1st-3rd Degree, should wear Blue Tie.  4th-6th Degree, should wear Red Tie).


Only official ITF Dobok can be worn during Practical Exam.

All candidates must have sat a pre-test prior to grading.



Application Forms:          E-MAIL GMACTKD@SKY.COM for a copy of each of the application forms



All application forms, thesis and fees should be sent no later than 15th November 2013 to GMACTKD@SKY.COM