European’s are calling…

Just prior to Christmas, ITF Scotland held their selection event for the European Championships being held 20th – 23rd April in Sofia, Bulgaria. 

We would like to congratulate the following students from GMAC who will be representing Scotland on the biggest of European Taekwon-Do Stages this April.


Hayden McAvoy (1st Degree)  

Junior Male 1st Degree Pattern, Junior Male Sparring -50kg & Junior Male Team

Jay Jervis (1st Degree)

Junior Male Sparring -68kg, Junior Male Power  &  Junior Male Team

Lauren Watson (1st Degree)

Junior Female Sparring -65kg 

Kieran Cain (1st Degree)

Senior Male 1st Degree Pattern & Senior Male Team

Iain O’Hare (2nd Degree)

Senior Male Sparring -70kg & Senior Male Team

Megan Brown (2nd Degree)

Senior Female Sparring -56kg & Senior Female Team

Sarah Curtis (2nd Degree)

Senior Female Special Technique & Senior Female Team

Jason Munro (3rd Degree)

Senior Male 3rd Degree Pattern & Senior Male Team