Livingston Summer Timetable 2019
During the summer holidays we run a condensed timetable at the Livingston gym. Details of which are attached below.
Please note at the moment the Kickboxing class times have still to be confirmed, however the ITF Kids, Little Ninja’s, Kickin’ Kids, ASN and Taekwon-Do will run as per details attached.
We understand that during the holidays you will of course have day trips etc, and at times may miss your normal training sessions, we are very flexible and if you can’t make it one night and wish to catch up another night to suit we are more than happy for you to do so.
If your off on holiday or even a day trip over the summer holidays please don’t forget to send us a picture to our Facebook page of your “Summer Side Kick” and we’ll share them with the page.
Our other venue’s classes are running as normal.