Scottish Championships – 22nd Feb 2015

ITF Scottish 2015Dear Masters and Instructors,

ITF Scottish Championships 2015

It is with great pleasure that you and your students are invited to the ITF Scottish Championships on Sunday 22nd February 2015, in Glasgow, Scotland.

This competition is open to all ITF Taekwon‐Do students 10th Kup to 6th Degree.

Please take the time to read the following information. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the Tournament & Umpire Committee.

We look forward to seeing you and your students at the competition.


Yours in Taekwon‐Do


Mrs. G. McIlvaney

ITF Scotland Tournament Committee



ITF Scotland Invite 2015

2015 ITFS National Champs – Individual Entry Form

2015 ITFS National Champs – School Entry Form

ITF Scottish 2015 – Poster

Child Protection Course – 18th January

gmac logo_jpegGMAC are hosting a child protection course for all black belts and interested persons.

This will be held at our Livingston Gym on 18th January 2014, from 9am to 12 noon.  The course will be facilitated by ITF Scotland’s child protection officer.
There are a limited number of spaces and will be on a first come first served basis.
Cost is £20 per person, certification will be issued on competition.
NB, Under ITF Scotland guidelines, all black belt plaque holders and instructors must attend these once per year.


Please book via Mrs. McIlvaney

Happy New Year

imageHappy New Year from all at GMAC Martial Arts.  Our classes resume for the year ahead from Monday 5th January with the exception of our Tollcross classes which resume on 13th.

Throughout January we have a special offer of free training for all new students.  Make 2015 your year and reach your goals, whatever they may be.

We look forward to seeing you all at the first classes.



T.A.E. Championships Results

Saturday 8th November saw GMAC competitors make another early start, this time to travel south to the North of England along with our friends from Pro-Edge and Howden.

The team set off at 6.30am for the last tournament of the year at the Walker Activity Dome in Newcastle.  The tournament was a success for GMAC with a small team of six competitors we collected 11 medals; 3 Gold, 3 Silver and 5 Bronze to bring home.


The results are as follows;

Patterns:  Ross Cowan (Bronze)

Sparring: Jay Jervis (Gold), Iain O’Hare (Gold), Jaimie Singleton (Silver), Kieran Cain (Silver), Ross Cowan (Bronze) & Megan Brown (Bronze)

Special Technique:  Jay Jervis (Silver) & Kieran Cain (Bronze)

Power:  Megan Brown (Gold) & Kieran Cain (Bronze).
Congratulations to all who took part, and thank you to the organising committee from Taekwon-Do Association of England for inviting us along to a very well ran tournament.  We look forward to making the journey again next year!

2014 GMAC Annual Awards Nominee’s

1960999_10152263565148919_1554378048_oOur 2014 Annual Awards will take place on 29th November at the Bellshill Hilton Hotel.  This is our first Annual Awards Ceremony and will be a Formal event, with Black Tie Dress Code (just like the Oscar’s).  Just like the Oscar’s we will have a red carpet and photographer throughout the evening as well as kids entertainment.


The evening will start with a three course meal, and move on to the awards for each school to include; Student Choice, Instructor Choice, Competitor of the Year and Black Belt Degree Presentation’s.






We would like to announce the following nominee’s for each award (in no particular order);


ITF Kids

Livingston:  Ethan Ho, Ava Reid and Zach Cannon


Little Ninja’s

Bellshill:  Diya Babu, Marcus Byrne and Zara Bell

Livingston:  Kevin Williams, Morris Brown, Lois Lord & Sophie Hunter

Wishaw:  Ruben Pearson, Gray Nisbet and Nathan Cowan

Viewpark: Ciaran Brown, Dominic Brown and Ryan Reid


Kickin’ Kid’s

Bellshill:  Katie Gracie, Kyle Yilmaz and Evan Kelman

Livingston:  Kelbie Mabon, Conor Linkston and Adam Wright

Wishaw:  Ross McGahey, Sonnie Scade and Dylan McMaster

Viewpark:  Jon Rafferty, Lewis Gilchrist and Kai Allison


Junior Taekwon-Do

Bellshill:  Carmen Cole, Lewis Fern and Josh Miller

Livingston:  Ciaran Livingstone, Karys Taylor, Take Hirooka and Scott Hay

Wishaw:  Hayden McAvoy, Ross Kellechan and Ethan McKenna

Viewpark:  Colin Cupples, Callum Gilchrist and Ben Melrose


Senior Taekwon-Do

Bellshill:  Patricia Doyle, David Doyle and Susan Morrice

Livingston:  Kathleen Bow, Roxanne Clarke and Martin Smillie

Wishaw:  Kieran Cain, James Murphy and Ross Strathearn

Viewpark:  John Melrose, Graham Brown and Barry Gordon



Livingston:  Kirsti Scott, James Hood and Carla MacGregor




ITF Kids

Livingston:  Ethan Ho, Eilidh Watts and Zach Cannon


Little Ninja’s

Bellshill:  Diay Babu, Shay Condron and Ryan MacTavish

Livingston:  Kieran Farrell, Jack Pllu and Sophie Hunter

Wishaw:  Nathan Cowan, Junior Bett and Cameron Boyd

Viewpark:   Harry Muir, Millie Lappin and Ryan Reid


Kickin’ Kids

Bellshill:  Callum Houston, Alisha Freeland and Connor Fyffe

Livingston:  Alexander Skwierz, Callum Bruce and Adam Wright

Wishaw:  Declan McAvoy, Charlie Harkin and Dylan McMaster

Viewpark:  Kimberley Fraser, Kai Allison and Bath Gordon


Junior Taekwon-Do

Bellshill:  Rebecca Burns, Meggan Carrol and Kiran Babu

Livingston:  Cerys Turner, Donatella Fargnoli and Angus McDonald

Wishaw:  Ross Kellechan, Hayden McAvoy and Ryan McMenemy

Viewpark:  Callum Gilchrist, Colin Cupples and Ben Melrose

Tollcross:  Jacob Ciantar, Lauren Watson and Daniel Brown


Senior Taekwon-Do

Bellshill:  Allan Tonner, Courtney Carroll and Iain Stewart

Livingston:  Sharon Cheyne, Roxane Taylor and Aaron Walker

Wishaw:  Stuart Adair, Martin McGahey and Ross Cowan

Viewpark:  Barry Gordon, John Melrose and Graham Brown

Tollcross;  John Rafferty, Robin McChesney and Robert Parsons



Livingston:  Rafal Rychcik, Desi Athanasiadou and Andy Thomson




Competitor of the Year is based on a points throughout the year.  Each competition attended earns the student 1 point, with additional points for each medal;  Gold (3 points), Silver (2 points) and Bronze (1 point).




Presentations will be made for those who were promoted to Black Belt over the past year.  To be announced on the evening.




Each school also have the opportunity to make an award based around one of the Tenets of Taekwon-Do.  There are five Tenets;  Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-Control and Indomitable Spirit.  This award can be issued for one of the above Tenets.



After the awards presentations we will continue the evening with a raffle and disco.

Those who have purchased tickets please ensure you have given your instructor your menu choice for the evening.  We look forward to another fantastic event.




October Black Belt Grading Promotions

1426717_10152781946003919_8467737420412091081_nGMAC held their recent Black Belt grading on Saturday 4th October.  Five students from GMAC schools took part in the grading alongside four students from Glasgow East School’s of TKD.

The grading panel consisted of Grand Master MacCallum 9th Degree (chair), Mr. McIlvaney 6th Degree, Mr. Shaw 6th Degree, Mrs. Timoney 5th Degree & Mrs. McIlvaney 4th Degree, with special guest on the day Mr. Robin Blair 6th Degree.  Mr. Doyle 4th Degree was the grading facilitator.

The grading began with a theory exam in the morning which lasted an hour.  After this the participants were given time to warm-up and revise their patterns etc before the practical exam commenced at 12 noon.  Their were 9 candidates in total who each had to perform 9 patterns up to their grade, as well as 1-step sparring, sparring, 2 vs 1 sparring, self-defence and a number of breaking techniques.

The grading itself took around 4 hours with the following students being successful.  A special mention to Mr. John Rafferty from our Tollcross school who received the grading award from the examination panel.


Promoted to 1st Degree

Connor Garland – Glasgow East

Rebecca Burns – GMAC

Karys Taylor – GMAC

Derek Cochrane – Glasgow East

John Rafferty – GMAC


Promoted to 2nd Degree

Aidan Timoney – Glasgow East


Promoted to 3rd Degree

Kerris Dickson – GMAC

Christopher Dickson – GMAC

Brian Anderson – Glasgow East

International Instructors Course, Aberdeen, Scotland. 13th – 15th March 2015

ICC2014-poster-V3 low res REV 1Dear Grand Masters, Masters, Instructors and Students,


On behalf of our Grand Master, Masters and Instructors of the International Taekwon-Do Federation – (Scotland) we are truly honoured to invite you to the 100th International Instructors Course (IIC), to be held in Aberdeen, Scotland, on March 13-15 2015, where the IIC Organising Committee for Scotland eagerly awaits to welcome the ITF Technical Committee of Grand Master Marano IX, Grand Master Bos IX and Grand Master Lan IX to the “Granite City” in North East of Scotland and also ITF Kids Programme Chair; Master Donato Nardizzi VIII. We also will be very privileged to host Master Clint Norman VIII, President of ITF Canada, who will be assisting the Grand Masters on the Course.

This is a momentous occasion for the ITF and for the ITF Technical Committee to have reached the milestone of 100 IIC’s, is truly a remarkable achievement for our ITF and its’ pursuit of excellence. As such we are thrilled that our President Grand Master Tratjenberg will also be in attendance along with the ITF Board of Directors.

It is also a momentous occasion for my hometown of Aberdeen, situated in the North East of Scotland, to have this milestone of excellence and we are truly humbled by the honour and we extend our welcome to our Taekwon-Do family here in Scotland and around the World to this 100th International Instructor Course.

Aberdeen’s official toast is:

“Happy to meet, sorry to part, happy to meet again – Bon Accord!” 

is very synonymous with our friendship within the ITF and its many events when we all come together, but this time it is very special to us as we are your hosts for this very special weekend and we hope you can make the journey to this lovely part of Scotland.

On behalf of the ITF Scotland Organising Committee

Master Gordon Wallace VIII

Chair IIC Scotland 2015


100th IIC Information Package

IIC SCOTLAND 2015 Individual Application