As you are all aware we have been given the go ahead to return to indoor classes from 31st August. It’s been a long 6 months, since we had to close due to Covid, however we are so excited to get back to face to face teaching indoors, and seeing everyone back in Dobok from Monday!
Before adding further information as to the new procedures we’ve put in place, we’d like to take the opportunity once again to thank you all for your support and continuing to keep up your training via Zoom and Outdoor classes for the past months. It’s been a challenging journey at times getting used to virtual teaching, and it’s constraints, as well as the challenges the Scottish weather and midges have brought us too. But we’ve gotten here together!
We posted some information yesterday on our Facebook Page with regards to the new entry and exit procedures that will be in place. Details have also been added below for ease of reference.
As we are required to comply with one way regulations, and limited numbers continue to be in place for the time being, there have been some changes to our normal timetables. In order to keep the same number of classes going each week, we’ve made some amendments to the times of these, which can be seen in the new timetable.
The main change just now is the Drop-Off/Collection Zones, as for now spectators will not be allowed due to the maximum capacity numbers we must adhere too. Just think similar to the nursery and school set up. We’ll be using drop off points, and collection points, which will all be explained in a video which will be made available and posted on our Social Media Pages before Monday’s Classes resume.
If you are not sure which class you should be attending please contact us ASAP, and we can advise accordingly. It may be that there are further changes to the timetables after the first week, if this is the case we’ll advise.