West Lothian Open 25th June 2017

Dear Grand Masters, Masters and Instructors,

It is with great pleasure that you and your students are invited to the 2017 West Lothian Open on Sunday 25th June, at Armadale Academy, Armadale, West Lothian.
Please find attached the invitation, along with an individual entry form which can be distributed to students.  The registration is online only, and can be completed at www.handlesport.com on or before 15th June 2017 (22:59hrs).  To register your student, first please register for an instructors account, this will take approximately 24 hours to activate if you do not already have one.
Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
I look forward to your seeing you and your students on 25th June.
Yours in Taekwon-Do,
Mrs. Gillian McIlvaney
On behalf of WLO Organising Committee